Selected Publications, the full list can be found in
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[DRAFT] Locality Analysis by Synthesizing Symbolic Reuse Intervals [PDF]
Dong Chen
[TechReport'24] CodeR: Issue Resolving with Multi-Agent and Task Graphs
Dong Chen*
, Shaoxin Lin*, Muhan Zeng*, Daoguang Zan*, Jiangang Wang, Anton Cheshkov, et al.
(* equal contribution)
[Arxiv'24] CodeS: Natural Language to Code Repository via Multi-Layer Sketch
Daoguang Zan*, Ailun Yu*, Wei Liu*,
Dong Chen*
, et al.
(* equal contribution)
[MICRO'24] HyFiSS: A Hybrid Fidelity Stall-Aware Simulator for GPGPUs
Jianchao Yang, Mei Wen,
Dong Chen
, Zhaoyun Chen, Zeyu Xue, Yuhang Li, Junzhong Shen, Yang Shi
57th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
[TACO'22] CARL: Compiler Assigned Reference Leasing
Chen Ding,
Dong Chen
, Fangzhou Liu, Benjamin Raber, and Wesley Smith
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
[ISMM'21] Uniform Lease vs LRU Cache: Analysis and Evaluation
Dong Chen
, Chen Ding, Fangzhou Liu, Benjamin Raber, Wesley Smith, and Pengcheng Li
ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management
[PPoPP'20-poster] PLUM: static parallel program locality analysis under uniform multiplexing
Fangzhou Liu,
Dong Chen
, Wesley Smith, Chen Ding
the 25th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
[PLDI'18] Locality Analysis through Static Parallel Sampling
Dong Chen
, Fangzhou Liu, Chen Ding, Sreepathi Pai
The 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
[TACO'17] Cache Exclusivity and Sharing: Theory and Optimization
Chencheng Ye, Chen Ding, Hao Luo, Jacob Brock,
Dong Chen
, Hai Jin
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
[TACO'17] LD: Low-Overhead GPU Race Detection Without Access Monitoring
Pengcheng Li, Xiaoyu Hu,
Dong Chen
, Jacob Brock, Hao Luo, Eddy Z Zhang, Chen Ding
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
[MEMSYS'16] Write Locality and Optimization for Persistent Memory
Dong Chen
, Chencheng Ye, Chen Ding
The 2nd International Symposium on Memory Systems
[Euro-Par'14] Automated Transformation of GPU-Specific OpenCL Kernels Targeting Performance Portability on Multi-Core/Many-Core CPUs
Dafei Huang, Mei Wen, Changqing Xun,
Dong Chen
, Xing Cai, Yuran Qiao, Nan Wu, Chunyuan Zhang
The 20th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
[HPCC'13] Automatic mapping single-device OpenCL program to heterogeneous multi-device platform
Dong Chen
, Changqing Xun, Dafei Huang, Mei Wen, Chunyuan Zhang
The 15th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
Plain Academic